Its been awhile

So it’s been a little while since I last did anything with this blog. School got real busy and I had some other things going. I think I am going to try and get this back going, but I’m not too sure. I do have a new pistol to give an outstanding review on. It is a customized Colt Delta Elite chambered in 10 mm. It’s a fun gun and one that I hope to never have to part with.

I also want to try and do some posts regarding some of the different forms of shooting. I have been mainly focused on self defense style training, but some events have occurred that have opened me up to some of the other forms of shooting and also classic firearms. It was due to this that I obtained the 1911 platform Delta Elite. I wanted to experience the joys of shooting that some of these older style firearms can bring to the table. Let me tell you I am hooked. I am planning another 1911 purchase at the moment, so we will see how that goes.

As of right now the Glock 27 is sharing the CCW role with the Delta Elite. I was very surprised to find that with the right clothing it was fairly easy for me to conceal a Government sized 1911. I am looking to add a commander sized 1911 to the stable soon, and I am researching STI, Kimber and many other manufacturers to try and find a pistol that will fit my needs and my budget. As I am doing this I am finding how biased most of the knowledge is out there. It is hard to find straightforward information about these guns because everyone is so passionate about the brand that they own. I am also finding it hard to look over the brand bashing, mainly in regards to the Kimber brand, in order to find an accurate gauge on how the quality of their firearms stacks up. It is true, for every 1 good review on the internet there are 100s of issues and problems, some opp orator errors.

With the 10mm cartridge I find myself looking into reloading. Maybe I will be able to start showing my findings here in the next few months as I take the plunge down the rabbit hole with that. It is funny how the shooting sports can quickly take over your life as you bring more and more aspects into your life.

Well for now, get out and shoot!!


Legal Concealed Carry

I thought I would start off my first theory type post with a hot ticket item, concealed carry. I’m going to use this post to cast a different view on concealed carry than you get from most people who post about it. I have been carrying concealed for a couple of months now and I want to share what it is like to get started from someone who has just been there. 

The points I mainly want to get across…

  • When should you start the process
  • What do you need
  • What its like at first
  • What you learn in the first couple of months (well that’s a lot of information… let’s stick to some key points)

So, lets start at the top. When should you start the process of getting a license to carry concealed in your state. The obvious answer is of course, when YOU are ready to. But, there is much more to it than that. Obviously you have to make sure that you legally can carry in your state. If not, start writing your lawmakers to get it changed so that you can. You then need to make sure that you’re marksmanship is up to the task. Many people rush out and buy their first handgun and immediately sign up for the next available CHL class (if you are in Texas). Speaking from the Texas standpoint, the course that you take is not to teach you how to use your weapon. It is on you to do that, and then be able to demonstrate that in the qualification. Do yourself, and literally everyone around you a favor by spending 6 months to a year learning how to shoot and handle your weapon in a defensive manner. This does not mean slow fire at the static range. You need real life situation training to prepare yourself to start carrying a gun on your person every day (more on that bit later).  I promise it will be worth it in the long run. For some people, that small bit of training will be enough for them to decide that, “Hey, this might not be for me.” Either you are unable, or unwilling to run your weapon in the manner that is needed. That is fine! Believe it or not, everyone is not cut out for this. If you follow my advice about learning to use a weapon defensively first, you will know exactly when you are ready to take the class and start the process of obtaining your license. 


 Let’s move on to what gear you need starting off. While this may seem fairly obvious at the big picture level, there is a lot to think about when selecting gear. First off, following the law is mandatory. If your state requires a license, get it. If you are at the mental state required for carrying a weapon on your person, there is no excuse for breaking the law. Next, it’s time to pick out your handgun. There are many different types and styles available to you (so many that a different post is going to be required for handgun selection), but pick a gun that you will carry everyday and that you are accurate with. “Well that sounds simple enough…” It’s not, I promise. From there you need to pick out a quality holster to match it. Please don’t skimp any money here. This is one of the most important parts of concealed carry, yet many people get too caught up in the weapon selection that they grab a cheap holster and shove the gun it there. I will be doing some reviews on some of the excellent holsters that I choose to use as soon as I get a chance. But as guidance for now, choose a holster that is made to fit your gun, and plan on spending $50- $100 on it. Also plan on grabbing several different types of holsters as you will quickly learn that what works for one guy on the internet, won’t do anything for you. From there you need to look at a quality gun belt. Many of you reading this are going to think, “I’ve got a good belt that I use for everything,can’t I just use that?” Do yourself a favor and just trust me on this one. your holster is going to fit so much better to you, be so much more comfortable on you, and most importantly it’s going to help you conceal your gun. Don’t skim!! Make sure it’s think enough that it won’t fold over when you apply weight to it. 

So you’ve got a handgun, extra magazines(most new guns come with at least one extra, if not buy more), holster, and a good belt, you are ready to go right? Not really. Many people, as well as I, feel that it’s best to have an alternate means of defense. Let’s consider it a de-escalation devise. It’s the thing you are first going to pull out that is going to first give you an advantage, and second try and convince this other person to stop what they are doing. I, and many others, choose a combat style flashlight for those purposes. Let’s face it, bad things happen in the dark. Give yourself the advantage of illumination to turn the tables on your attacker.

Okay, so you’ve got everything prepared and now your are ready to walk out into public carrying a loaded firearm. Let me tell you it’s like no other feeling. While you know that what you are doing is completely legal, you are probably going to feel very much in the wrong. Plus the first time you have a bunch of little kids running around you, you are going to feel like a real idiot for having a weapon right next to them. But stick with it!!! Carry every day, and embrace the situations that you are put in. Learn from them. You are going to make some mistakes, just don’t let them turn deadly. Soon it will feel much more normal to have your weapon on you at all times, and you will even start to miss having it with you when you don’t.

Honestly, much of that last paragraph sums up what you will learn in the first couple of months carrying your weapon. So, I will use this time to hit upon a few key points. First, the correct mindset is required in order to responsibly carry a loaded weapon in pubic. If you cannot do so responsibly, DON’T DO IT! The second you get your license, your life is going to change. You must be responsible with all of your actions with or without the gun and live accordingly. Don’t take the decision to carry a weapon about you lightly. It is perfectly okay to realize that it is not for you. I would personally rather see you not carry if you are not in the right mindset for it. It’s better for everyone. 

There is a wealth of information out there on the web. Read as much of it as you can. You will see trends in the way people think, and you will also see ideas that you will not agree with. Take everyone’s information worth a grain of salt until proven otherwise. 



So let’s start this off with a little introduction on my part. 

I am a college student and I love marksmanship of any form. Wow… that totally sounded like the classic “Hi I’m ___, and I’m addicted to guns.” O well!!! 

But anyways, I learned shooting on a 10/22 from my dad at like age 8 or so and have been obsessed with all forms of shooting ever since. I really started to get deep into shooting at 21 when I bought my first pistol, on my birthday. The cashier at Wally-world sure gave me a strange look when I showed up with a six pack of beer and 50 rounds of 9mm :0 I shot before I started drinking don’t worry!!!

My first pistol was a Hi-Point 9mm purchased from a friend for a grand total of $100. It wasn’t much, but to me it was awesome. I shot that pistol so much over the next year that I had about worn it out (no surprise really). That’s where I gained my love for shooting pistols, and they are still my favorite genre of firearms to go to the range with.

Don’t get me wrong though, I still enjoy shotguns and rifles as much as the next person, and readers of this blog will get the chance to see as I progress down those roads.

Well, I think that’s enough information for now. I’m sure you all will get to know me pretty well as I post more and more blogs about what I have going on. 



Okay here this goes…

So here I am thinking wouldn’t it be nice to start another firearms blog… Like there aren’t enough out there already (I know, I know). But, this will give me a fun way to post what I am doing in the firearms world in a non Facebook or YouTube type media. (I don’t care to lose my rights to my own media over on that Facebook deal)

So.. what am I going to to focus on?? I think I will start by listing out the results of my range trips, do some product reviews of some amazing products that I am currently using and finally talk about some of the firearms ventures that I am taking or am thinking about taking. (ie CHL, NFA, ect)

What I don’t want to turn this into is a political firearms blog. Coming to you at the beginning of 2013 the anti-gun people are out in force, but so are pro-gunners. I personally believe that the best way to handle this is not by forcefully shoving our own rhetoric down their throats (they will never change), but instead to show our world in the most positive light that we can. We have a long way to go…..


Looks like this is going to be quite the fun adventure. Let’s see where this goes.